Maria Theresia

Maria Theresia has been so interesting to learn about! She was the Holy Roman Emperess and the ruler of the Habsburgs empire. She also had sixteen children! I come from a big family, but I could not imagine being one of sixteen kids. I think that it is very interesting that she had so many children because we have talked about how unsafe it was for women to give birth at this time, it's amazing that she was able to have so many. Maria Theresia also pushed for medical and educational reforms and thought that everyone should be getting an education. I also find it interesting that her husband didn’t become emperor and that she co-ruled with her son! I think this is one of the only women that I’ve heard of doing that! 

Maria Theresia made many contributions during her rule. One of them is that I think she helped to show that women are just as capable as men. She was a great ruler and brought a lot of unity to Austria. She also made contributions towards education and saw the importance of obtaining a higher education. Also improving public health was very important to her and listened to the advice of many different physicians. I think she focused on a lot of things that other rulers who are men tend to look past. She was known for being a great mother and I think it shows that she was also a great mother to the people she ruled over. 

She has definitely been commemorated well! Maria Theresia is who I have seen the most statues, paintings, and buildings for this entire trip! When we went to the museum Belvedere Museum one of the first things you see when you walk in is a big statue of Maria Theresia. I remember turning to Annie and saying, “She looks really important”, and I was right! It was also such a great experience to get to go to the Habsburgs house here in Austria, it had a lot of paintings of Maria Theresia, and it shows that she and her family were important enough to have their house preserved!



  1. Love this post so so much! Maria Theresia was so fun for me to learn about as well! Her tumultuous start to her glorious ruling years show just how influential she was for her country. Even as a woman, she made so many reforms that still remain in place, to this day. I think learning about this woman deepens my understanding of Vienna as a cultural capital because it shows how a lot of the "glory days" of Vienna occurred under the rule of a woman, and now this country loves her so much!

  2. I love this post betsy! There are many things that hampered Maria Theresia in her time in royalty. Having such a big family is something that is difficult for any woman let alone a woman who is also leading a country. This is something that is still a struggle today.

    Learning about Maria Theresia helps us to understand all of the things that have helped Austria to be such a world power!

  3. Betsy, learning about Maria Theresia really deepens our understanding of Vienna as a cultural capital. She wasn't just a ruler; she pushed for education and medical reforms, showing that Vienna values progress and care for its people. Her many children and her co-ruling with her son highlight the unique aspects of Vienna's history. Seeing her statues and paintings everywhere shows how much the city honors her legacy. It reminds us that Vienna's culture is built on strong, forward-thinking leaders like Maria Theresia


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