Concepcion Arenal
Concepcion Arenal contributed the most towards improving the conditions of prisons for women and she wanted them to have access to education. She was an inspector of prisons but got kicked out of the position once she was telling the women in there the types of problems they should be fixing and educating them on the rights they should have access to. She also wrote lots of journals and stories that called attention to some of the issues going on that could be changed. She also wrote a book about the reforms that should be done in prisons which helped create a lot of change.
I think that she has been commemorated well, she has a big statue and I thought the area around it was very beautiful. It seemed to be a nice part of Madrid, even though we talked about how it’s not a very busy area so not as many people will see it, I still think it is a great tribute to her and it feels even more special. She also has a plaque on the big arena for Madrid where they have all their important games. It would be cool if there was something more personal to commemorate her like if they named a prison after her or something to that effect it might help people to understand her better and spark an interest in learning about her.
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