Vienna Choice art
The Belvedere Museum might be my favorite museum so far! The painting that stuck out to me the most was called, “Wein, Weib und Gesang”, which translates to wine, woman, and song. This painting felt very comfortable to me and reminded me a lot of my family. I love how inviting it seems and everyone looks like they are having a good time in each other presence, eating, playing music, reading, and drawing. The amount of detail in the painting is amazing, under the table there is a dog, and in the background, it looks like the man is sketching the painting on the wall. It’s one of those paintings that I wish I could step into and join the scene!
This painting is important historically because it is a good representation of what life was like for people at this time. In the painting description, it talks about the different types of people depicted in the painting. There is a bachelor on the left that is more proper and doesn’t join in on the fun, and on the right, it is a family with hats and paintings and they look like they are more comfortable and relaxed. So I think this shows the different classes of people and how they would have acted. It also shows some of their beliefs about life because in the background a painter is writing “Whoever loves not wine, women, and song, remains a fool his whole life long.” This helps us to know what was important to them.
Having paintings that were painted by people from Vienna, is a great way for the city to show that it is a cultural capital because it showcases the talents of the people from there! This painting and others in this museum also show that art is important to the culture here and that they believe preserving and presenting art to the public is one of the things that makes a city a cultural capital. Especially “Wine, Woman, and Song” is important because of what it represents culturally within the painting, it can show us how things were and how things have changed socially.
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