Berlin Monument

 For my monument I am choosing to write about the Brandenburg Gate. I had seen pictures of it before coming to Berlin, but it was even cooler to see it in person. It is clearly a very popular site because it was extremely crowded there. I liked learning about the gate and I thought it was really interesting that the middle of the gate was reserved for only the king and queen to ride through and everyone else had to pass through the other two sides of the gate. The gate is very tall and on top of it is a statue of a goddess figure being pulled on a chariot by lots of horses, the statue was meant to symbolize peace. 

This monument is important historically because it has been around since the eighteenth century and has been the site of many different historical events. It was there when Berlin was divided between west and east Berlin, and can symbolize the division but also the peace and unity that happened once the wall was torn down. The gate was also reconstructed many times and it is a great example of the different types of architecture and we talked about the types of columns on the gate and how some of the motifs had been changed. It is clearly important since there has been an effort to rebuild and preserve it. 

The Brandenburg gate is important to the status of Berlin as a cultural capital because it shows how prestigious the royals were and how they influenced the lives of all those in Berlin. The gate was known by everyone there and only the middle part could be used by the royals. It shows how wealthy Berlin is and how they are a place where royal and wealthy people are respected. Also it is clearly a very popular place for people to come and visit, it was one of the most crowded places I had seen so far while in Berlin, so it is very well known.


  1. Betsy, I really liked your post on the Brandenburg Gate. I really liked learning about it as well. I believe it does stand as a symbol of unity in a once divided country. I feel that helps to solidify Berlin’s standing as a cultural capital as it has overcome its history and still celebrates its unique culture.

  2. Nice post Betsy! I think the Brandenburg Gate holds a lot of historical, architectural, and symbolic value. The gate has been there for a lot of Berlin’s history. It has been there for the division and the reunification of the city and I think that the fact that it is preserved shows how Berlin cares about its history and legitimacy.


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