The Reichstag

The Reichstag is such a unique building, I thought it was so cool to be able to go all the way to the top of the building and look out on the city. The building looks like most of the other old buildings we’ve seen, but it also has a giant dome on the top that has a walkway to the top that swirls around the dome. Once you reach the top the ceiling is open to the sky, and if you look below you can see all the way down to the windows that are above where the parliament meets. 

This building is important historically because it was very important to the people of Berlin during the 1890’s and World War II. The building played a big role in Hitlers rise to power when it burned down and the Nazis used that to claim that communists were planning an uprising, it allowed Nazis to become the main party. During WWII it was damaged a lot and one of the very last battles took place there and the Soviet soldiers raised the soviet flag there to symbolize their victory. There is so much history that took place in the Reichstag, and it is also the parliament building, so it is important for the people today. 

The Reichstag contributes to Berlin's status as a cultural capital because it is their parliament building, but it has a unique way of showing that the people have the power. The giant dome at the top is meant to be clear so that people can look into the building and it symbolizes that the people are more in charge than the parliament is. This is great for Berlin as a cultural capital because they still remember their history and the terrible things that happened, but they are also showing that things are different now and it isn’t something that could happen again here.



  1. I totally agree that it's really symbolic how the dome is clear and modern, in contrast with the old style building. We learned that the dome being above the building is supposed to represent the public being above the legislators. In addition, the fact that it is clear represents full transparency in parliament which is great!

  2. You are always on top of your blog posts and I love it. You did a great job talking about how this building makes Berlin a cultural capital. I love how you mentioned the dome and how it is see through to represent that the people are in charge of the parliament. I think cultural capitals have good, open relationships with their people. I think it helps everything to run smoother. I also love how you brought up the history. The history of a place is what helps us to understand how a city became a cultural capital.

  3. Cute!! I love that you mention the transparent dome and how it symbolizes that Germany is determined to keep what happens in Parliament open to the public. This ideal of openness is crucial because that means that the government really is for the people. Having a democracy is highly important to a cultural capital because it allows a freedom of ideas to flow!

  4. Love this! I also love how you talk about the unique architecture and style of this building. I think it is so cool that the city of Berlin chose to keep the old ruins of the Reichstag after it was bombed and chose to modernize the building around the ruins. What we are left with is a combination of old and new architecture that is truly amazing to see. I think this is symbolic of Berlin not ignoring their horrible past but instead working with it to create a beautiful future!

  5. Betsy boo I love you! I am going to miss our comment exchanges and your breathtaking blogs so dearly. I definitely think the design of this building is a huge way that it contributes to Berlin as a cultural capital. It shows how Berlin wants to move forward from its past, but it still acknowledges its history. I love that you talked about how they are trying to show that something like this won't happen again with the dome of the building because they have full transparency with their people. Yay cultural capitals!!

  6. Aaaah Betsy! I will miss commenting on your posts. I really like your comment about the representation of the people having the power. I think something that really helps Berlin to be a cultural capital is it's dedication to moving past it's dark history, and focusing on positive democracy. There's something to be said about transparent government!

  7. Fantastic post BB!! What you said in your last paragraph about the class roof is so interesting to me. I think that architectural choice was made to reflect the new found 'culture' because of their past with both fascism and communism, they want their new government to be transparent. I also think that you are right, that it is important as a cultural capital to remember its past, both the good and the bad, because you can learn from your mistakes and can prevent history from repeating itself (again).


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